多聞寺の見どころ 多聞流健康塾 参拝のご案内 English

◆About Tamonji

Tamonji was originally Tendai religion temple re-established on 1575 by regional officer Mr. Yonezu, then converted to Shingon religion on 1660. Although main sculpture of this temple is Fudo-Myoou, but is more famous for Bisyamon-ten and his servant centipede due to interesting carving.
Bisyamon-do is located at the right side of the main temple, very rare votive picture of centipede is dedicated into the temple.

◆Episode of Bisyamon-Ten and Centipede

Bisyamon-Ten is one of the God of business, alias name is Tamon-ten, was made by Shotoku Taishi in Yamato era. This wooden willow sculpture is a village shrine of Hirashimizu, therefore, people living this area had never put on Geta (wooden shoes).

The festival date the 3rd of every month, especially, the 3rd of February is masses of people crowded into this temple in order to pray business prosperity and safety of family. Centipede is servant of Bisyamon-Ten and is benefited as “Money production worm.

In addition, there are many kinds of items which has a name “Centipede” within the temple area, for exp, Centipede cedar, the age of tree probably over 700 years old, and Centipede spring water, it’s the origin of address “Hirashimizu”.
Therefore, Never kill Centipede if you encounter any of them !!


◆Dobayashi Kannon

This wooden old Kannon is about 2 meters high, had been carved by Gyoki-Bosatsu. It is allowed to open/show only once of every year, August 17th .


◆One hundred times worshiping

The ancient people were going up or down this stone stairs for prayer any business success or health maintenance. The modern people follow this custom for figure maintenance or dieting!!

◆Event Guide

Zazen /meditation
Every Saturday, from 18:00

Pilgrim's hymn
(Song for which praises Buddha)

The 3rd and the 17th of every month, from 13:30 to 15:00

Sutra-chanting at Dabayashi Kannon shrine
The 17th of every month, from 9:00, especially, Dabayashi Kannon is disclosed only once of year, August 17th.

Sutra-chanting at Bisyamon shrine
The 3rd of every month, from 9:00, especially Bisyamon-ten is disclosed only once of the year, February 3rd

stone stairs for 100 worshiping
Yoimatsuri (the senary of midnight festival on February 3rd 2005)

At this festival, alcohol, beans, rice cake and tangerine etc are given to visitor.
Especially, limitation sales of Bisyamon candy (Pink and white) for prayer health or test pass will be sold only this day, only once of year !!

Priest explained about Yoimatsuri on TV show
Any inquiry to:
Add:1003 Hirashimizu, Sado-city
Postal code: 952-1213
Access: 3.55 km from Bus stop "Izumi"